a green tree with brown roots visible and the words songs of ascent

Sermon Series
Songs of Ascent
June 2024 – present

June 9, 2024
Who Do You Turn to for Help?
Psalm 121 • Scott Morrison

Church elder Scott Morrison kicks off a new evening service summer series on some of the Songs of Ascent, preaching on ... Psalm 121, addressing the questions: Who helps you? Who keeps you? And who protects you?

Video Audio

July 14, 2024
God’s Providence
Psalm 127 • Jamie Chesser

Writing of Psalm 127 Derek Kidner says, “One of the most telling features of this short poem is that it singles... out three of our most universal preoccupations—building, security, raising a family—and makes us ask what they all amount to and to whom we owe them.” Rather than looking at the psalm according to these three common preoccupations, church elder Jamie Chesser proposes we look at it instead in two parts in order to reveal something about God’s providence. Listen as Jamie teaches on this passage, looking first at the warnings giving about our striving, when done apart from God, and then looking, in contrast, at God’s perfect provision.

Video Audio

August 11, 2024
Rescued from the Depths of Sin
Psalm 130 • Daniel Thies

Church elder Daniel Thies preaches on Psalm 130, showing how this text reveals the... depths of our sin, the source of our righteousness, and the certainty of our hope.

Video Audio