the title Philippians in spray paint on a broken stone wall

Sermon Series
July 2022 – May 2024
Pastor Josué Pernillo

June 12, 2022
The Gospel and Friendships
Philippians 1:1–11 • Josué Pernillo

Listen as Josué Pernillo preaches on Philippians 1:1–11, focusing on... gospel thanksgiving, gospel love, and gospel hope.

Video Audio

June 12, 2022
Through External Pressure and Internal Tensions
Philippians 1:12–18 • Josué Pernillo

Listen as Josué Pernillo preaches on Philippians 1:12–18, focusing on... the external pressures (vv. 12–14) and internal tensions (vv. 15–18) that believers face.

Video Audio

January 1, 2023
Rejoicing in Hope
Philippians 1:18–20 • Josué Pernillo

In the book of Philippians, Paul writes not only as a person who is facing difficulties, but to a church that... is struggling. A caring pastor and apostle, seeing his friends struggling with the same struggles he himself had, Paul shares with the Philippians the confidence he has in his future joy—the coming joy that we share—and the rooted hope that he has that he will be delivered. In this sermon on Philippians 1:18–20, Josué Pernillo shows how Paul explains this through three points: God’s means of deliverance, deliverance and shame, and deliverance and glory.

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March 5, 2023
Our Life in Christ
Philippians 1:21–26 • Josué Pernillo

In this sermon on Philippians 1:21–26, Pastoral Intern Josué Pernillo teaches that we... can live with purpose because Christ is our source of life, our goal in life, and our way of life.

Video Audio

March 26, 2023
United and Courageous through Adversity
Philippians 1:27–30 • Josué Pernillo

In this sermon on Philippians 1:27–30, Pastoral Intern Josué Pernillo shows that in the... gospel we can be united in adversity and that in the gospel we can have courage in adversity.

Note: Audio quality improves after the first minute.

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April 30, 2023
Unity in the Midst of Internal Tensions
Philippians 2:1–4 • Josué Pernillo

In this sermon on Philippians 2:1–4, Pastoral Intern Josué Pernillo teaches us about the gospel... source of our unity, the gospel experience of unity, and the gospel reaction to unity.

Video Audio

May 28, 2023
The Way of Jesus
Philippians 2:5–11 • Josué Pernillo

In Philippians 2:5–11 we engage with some of the most intricate and beautiful themes of... Christology found anywhere in the New Testament. Listen as Pastoral Intern Josué Pernillo helps us to reflect on this passage, thinking about who Jesus is, what he has done, and what that means for his people.

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June 25, 2023
Like Shining Stars
Philippians 2:12–18 • Josué Pernillo

In chapter two of his letter to the Philippians, Paul reminds the believers in Philippi of who they are and how their identity... impacts their actions. Like the Philippians, believers today can know that because we have been saved by God, we can now live as those that are saved, with new identities in Christ that overflow into our actions. Listen as Josué Pernillo continues his series on the book of Philippians, expounding on this passage in three points: The Source, The Direction, and The End.

Video Audio

July 30, 2023
Engaging in True Gospel Friendships
Philippians 2:19–30 • Josué Pernillo

The first two chapters of Philippians are filled with beautiful and lofty truths about who Jesus is and how he impacts the... world. But at the end of Philippians chapter 2, Paul comes down to some real and practical implications of these truths, seen through the examples of Timothy and Epaphroditus. Listen as Josué Pernillo preaches on Philippians 2:19–30, helping us to see that the gospel allows us to grow in our concern for others, to grow in our service of others, and ultimately to have deep gospel friendships.

Video Audio

October 8, 2023
Rejoice in the Lord
Philippians 3:1 • Pastor Josué Pernillo

Joy is one of the main themes of Paul’s letter to the Philippians—and one of the main themes in all... of Scripture. As we examine the first verse of Philippians chapter 3, in which Paul exhorts his brothers and sisters at Philippi to “rejoice in the Lord,” we begin to understand that Christians are a people of joy in Jesus Christ. Listen as Pastor Josué Pernillo expands on this theme in three movements: the obstacles and opponents, the command of joy, and the source of joy.

Video Audio

October 15, 2023
Joy & Sound Doctrine
Philippians 3:1–3 • Pastor Josué Pernillo

We live in a confusing time. Deception is rampant. It is hard to discern truth from error. And this is not just... true in our time. Deception is an enemy as old as the Garden. In the book of Philippians Paul ties joy and truth and salvation together, helping us to clearly see through the lens of the gospel and of scripture who we are and how we should understand the world. Listen as Pastor Josué Pernillo preaches on Philippians 3:1–3, focusing on the fruit of joy, the enemy of joy, and the power of joy.

Video Audio

November 12, 2023
True Confidence
Philippians 3:4–7 • Pastor Josué Pernillo

Where does your confidence lie? You have to put your confidence in something. Everybody does. We put our confidence... in things that make us feel worthwhile, important, right, blameless, because in our hearts and in the heart of every person there is a longing for righteousness. In Philippians 3:4–7 Paul shows this pattern working out in his own life through one of the most interesting self-disclosures in Scripture. Listen as Pastor Josué Pernillo preaches on this passage, showing how we are tempted to put confidence in who we are and in what we do—but what we need is an external confidence found only in Christ.

Video Audio

January 14, 2024
Righteousness in Christ
Philippians 3:7–11 • Pastor Josué Pernillo

The book of Philippians is perhaps the Apostle Paul’s most personal letter. It is a beautiful epistle... filled with beautiful verses, and in chapter 3 we find a beautiful, succinct summary of the Gospel. In just five verses Paul both explains how sinners are reconciled to God and illuminates the promises that are theirs in Christ Jesus. Listen as Pastor Josué Pernillo preaches on Philippians 3:7–11, helping us to see Christ Jesus more clearly by showing the treasure of the gospel (the worth of Christ), the heart of the gospel (faith in Christ), and the promise of the gospel (resurrection and life).

Video Audio

January 21, 2024
Strength for the Race
Philippians 3:12–16 • Pastor Ethan Brown

The Apostle Paul depicts the Christian life as a long, hard race. It’s a marathon. And to run any marathon well,... the runners need encouragement along the way. The good news for Christians is that we have a wise and caring God who has provided for us to have strength for the journey. Listen as RUF Campus Minister Ethan Brown preaches from Philippians 3:12–16, showing us how God equips us with what we need to finish the race that we’ve begun by making us secure, steadfast, and self-aware.

Video Audio

February 4, 2024
Be Imitators
Philippians 3:17–21 • Pastor Josué Pernillo

What does it look like to walk as a Christian? Whose example should we imitate? The book of Philippians... was written by the Apostle Paul to his friends at Philippi. Theirs was a church established by Paul and nurtured by his ministry, through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, and the love and affection between Paul and the believers at Philippi is evident throughout the letter. In chapter three Paul, as a caring older brother, calls these believers to imitate him, encouraging them to keep on the right path. Listen as Pastor Josué Pernillo preaches on Philippians 3:17–21, drawing out Paul’s exhortations to be aware of who you imitate (v 17), to beware of who you imitate (vv 18–19), and to remember the one we imitate is the Savior (v 20–21).

Video Audio

March 10, 2024
Coming to the Close of the Letter
Philippians 4:1–3 • Pastor Josué Pernillo

Pastor Josué Pernillo preaches on Philippians 4:1–3, in which the Apostle Paul... summarizes the major themes of the letter, calling the Philippians to stand firm in the midst of external pressures, to remain united in the midst of internal tensions, and to do this all side by side.

Video Audio

April 14, 2024
The Gospel Community
Philippians 4:4–9 • Pastor Josué Pernillo

There was once a young man who was persecuting the church. He was so efficient at it that he was sent... to another city, and on the way Jesus appeared to him, saying, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” When Saul was persecuting the church, Jesus took it personally: “Why are you persecuting me.” Jesus loves his people.

After his encounter with Jesus, this same young man, Saul, went on to become a leader in the church, the apostle Paul. Paul loved the church. Paul loved God’s people, with the affections of Christ Jesus. In his letter to the Philippians Paul continually expresses his love and concern for the believers at Philippi in the midst of external pressures and internal tensions. Now at end of the letter, we find Paul beginning to summarize the themes of the whole letter, encouraging the believers at Philippi to stand firm in the midst of eternal pressures and to remain united in the midst of internal tensions. But in what context does this happen? Listen as Pastor Josué preaches on on Philippians 4:4–9, showing that the context of all of this is gospel-built community, and describing both the characteristics of community and the practice of the community.

Video Audio

May 5, 2024
Content in Christ
Philippians 4:10–20 • Pastor Josué Pernillo

The Apostle Paul ends his letter to the Philippians by sharing the secret of contentment: to be dependent... on Christ regardless of the circumstances. His focus was on Christ, and through this passage we learn what it means to see Christ clearly in all of life’s situations. Listen as Pastor Josué Pernillo concludes his series on Philippians with this sermon on Philippians 4:10–20, showing what contentment is, what it means to be content in want, what it means to be content in plenty, and that ultimately, whether in plenty or in want, we can be content in Christ who strengthens us.

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