the All Souls patch logo above the words 2022 - All Souls 2022 Non-Series Sermons

Sermon Series
Non-Series Sermons 2022
January 2022 – November 2022

November 20, 2022
The King’s Status
Luke 18:9–14 • Ethan Brown — Download

A parable is a story that shows us something about God’s Kingdom, about who God is, about who we are and how we can come to be in a relationship with him. In this sermon on Luke 18:9–14, Pastor Ethan Brown teaches on the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector, focusing on why Jesus taught using parables (the King’s strategy) and the grace of justification that God offers us through Jesus (the King’s status).


November 13, 2022
A Woman, a Dragon, and the Victory That Begins the War
Revelation 12:1–17 • Pastor Luke Herche — Download

The Christian life isn’t easy. The process of sanctification is slow, temptation is everywhere, and some days compromise seems like the best option. What difference does Christ make to the Christian in the midst of trials? In this sermon on Revelation 12:1–17, Pastor Luke Herche answers this question with assurances that the war is real, the victory is won, and God’s care is certain, and exhorts us to go fight.


November 6, 2022
Plurality in Church Leadership
Exodus 18:13–27 • Pastor Luke Herche — Download

On the occasion of the installation of new officers, Pastor Luke Herche preaches on Exodus 18:13–27, looking at the necessity, the means, and the role of a plurality of leadership in the church. Why do we need a plurality of leadership? How do we get a plurality of leadership? And what does this plurality of leadership do?


August 14, 2022
Of One Mind: Pursuing Unity in Christ for the Sake of the Gospel
Philippians 2:1–13 • Pastor Luke Herche — Download


August 7, 2022
By My Spirit
Zechariah 4 • Pastor Luke Herche — Download


July 31, 2022
Through External Pressure and Internal Tensions
Philippians 1:12–18 • Josué Pernillo — Download


July 24, 2022
The Beauties and Treasures of Our Shepherd King
Psalm 23 • Brian Aldridge — Download


July 17, 2022
A Call to Love
1 Corinthians 13 • Todd Doehring — Download


June 12, 2022
The Gospel and Friendships
Philippians 1:1–11 • Josué Pernillo — Download


April 10, 2022
The Anti-gospel Heart
1 Samuel 14:24–46 • David Keithley — Download


April 3, 2022
God’s Call to Serve Jesus
Matthew 9:35–10:16 • Scott Morrison — Download


January 2, 2022
Child-like Contentment Through Child-like Hope
Psalm 131 • Brian Aldridge — Download
