green christmas foliage with the words Advent 2023 in gold

Sermon Series
Advent 2023
December 2023

December 3, 2023
God’s First Promise to the First Sinners
Genesis 3:15 • Daniel Thies

Though the name “Jesus” doesn't appear in the Bible until the New Testament, the gospel message can be found throughout all of ... Scripture. In Genesis 3, God gives us an initial impression of how he is working to save his people and to save humanity. Though this first revelation of the gospel is vague and indistinct, viewing it through the lens of the rest of Scripture helps us to better understand what is entailed in God’s first promise to the first sinners. Listen as ruling elder Daniel Thies teaches on Genesis 3:15, showing that God meets grave sin with great grace; God’s grace persists in the face of evil opposition; evil is real; and Jesus and his people will triumph over evil.

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December 10, 2023
Behold the Lamb of God
Isaiah 53:6–7 • Pastor Josué Pernillo

The book of Isaiah is interjected with several “servant songs,” passages that paint a picture of God’s chosen servant who will come to the ... aid of his people. They show us that this servant will judge rightly as the true king, will be a true prophet to guide God’s people, and a true priest who will cleanse the people of their sins. This servant who brings true restoration to the covenant people is a picture of Jesus, the true prophet, priest, and king. In Isaiah 52–53 we are provided with a glimpse of what Jesus would come to do as the true priest, the Lamb of God and the mediator of the covenant. Listen as Pastor Josué Pernillo preaches from this passage, showing that as the Lamb of God the mission of Christ was redemption; as the Lamb of God Christ’s affliction was necessary; and as the Lamb of God the meekness of Christ was his victory.

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December 17, 2023
Who is the Son of David?
2 Samuel 7:12–13 • Brian Aldridge

Who is the Son of David? Listen as church elder Brian Aldridge preaches on... 2 Samuel 7:12–13, showing us the promise of the Son King, the identity of the Son King, belief in the Son King, and the sons of the Son King.

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December 24, 2023
Jesus Our King
Isaiah 11:1–16 • Pastor Josué Pernillo

Gardening is difficult. There are the weeds and the waiting and the garden pests... but eventually you get to experience the wonder... of watching something new grow. The book of Isaiah describes a shoot growing from “the stump of Jesse.” It’s a passage that comes bearing Advent promises: Jesus is that righteous branch, the shoot of the stump of Jesse, a branch that will bear much fruit. Listen as Pastor Josué Pernillo preaches from Isaiah chapter 11, helping us to understand in greater depth what it means that this King came 2000 years ago to a manger in Bethlehem, and what it means that this King will come again.

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