the words 1 Peter on a marbled background and art deco styling

Sermon Series
1 Peter (2024)
May 2024 – present

May 19, 2024
Introduction to 1 Peter
1 Peter 1:1–2 • Pastor Josué Pernillo

Pastor Josué Pernillo introduces us to our new study on 1 Peter, focusing... on 1 Peter 1:1–2 and covering four main points:

• Who are we? God’s people.
• How are we the people of God? By the power of God.
• Where are we? In the world and not of it.
• What is our strength? The people of God are blessed.

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May 26, 2024
Our Living Hope
1 Peter 1:3–12 • Pastor Josué Pernillo

Why is it that long trips are so tiring? Even with the advances and efficiency of modern travel, there is still a basic weariness... that can come from a long journey, a long drive, a long flight. Similarly, there is a weariness that can come from facing weeks, months, or even years of troubles and difficulties in life. How can we endure? In the book of 1 Peter, the apostle Peter offers help for pilgrims who are weary on their journey by addressing the hope they have in the future, the strength they have in the present, and the story, throughout history, in which they are included. Listen as Pastor Josué Pernillo preaches on 1 Peter 1:3–12, showing that as Christians we are empowered for our journey because Jesus has finished the journey. Christ empowers us on our journey through the assurance of hope, the perseverance of strength, and the Scriptures as truth.


June 2, 2024
A Call to Action
1 Peter 1:13–25 • David Thies

Ruling Elder David Thies continues our 1 Peter series with a sermon on 1 Peter 1:13–25, addressing... three questions: “What action?”, “Why the action?”, and “How the action?”

Video Audio

June 9, 2024
The Good News Preached
1 Peter 2:1–3 • Pastor Josué Pernillo

What happens if you think you know where you’re going, but then you discover that you don’t know how to get there? That’s hard enough when traveling... on the road, but what happens when it occurs in life? What do you do when deep sorrows or unexpected circumstances overwhelm you, and you thought you were going the right direction but suddenly find yourself on a back trail that you didn’t expect? Where do we find our direction? In the book of 1 Peter, Peter writes to pilgrims, to sojourners, to people on a journey. To those who would face various trials and difficulties and challenges along the way, Peter reminds them of their need for wisdom and direction and he points them to the word of God. Listen as Pastor Josué Pernillo preaches on 1 Peter 2:1–3, showing that we, too, are pilgrims on a journey, but because of the gospel and because of the word of God we have everything that we need for the journey in life and godliness. God has provided for our journey by providing his Word: the Word that cleanses and the Word that matures.

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June 16, 2024
As We Come to Him, Jesus Our Cornerstone
1 Peter 2:4–12 • Aaron Chun

Guest speaker Aaron Chun continues our summer series on 1 Peter, preaching from 1 Peter 2:4–12 with... three points: Offer Spiritual Sacrifices, Proclaim His Excellencies, and Live a Life of Holiness.

Video Audio

June 23, 2024
Freedom in Christ
1 Peter 2:13–25 • Pastor Josué Pernillo

Pastor Josué Pernillo preaches on 1 Peter 2:13–25, showing that the freedom... we need is freedom in Christ; that we are freed from the bondage of sin; and that we are free to serve others.

Video Audio

June 30, 2024
Gospel-Shaped Marriage
1 Peter 3:1–7 • Pastor Ethan Brown

RUF campus minister Ethan Brown preaches on 1 Peter 3:1–7, showing us the beauty... of powerful submission and gentle headship within a gospel-shaped marriage.

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July 7, 2024
A Righteous Community
1 Peter 3:8–17 • Todd Doehring

In 1 Peter 3, the apostle Peter moves from a focus on the inward lives of believers and the way believers interact within... specific relationships, to an outward focus on how we as Christians should engage with our community and those around us. We are to be a righteous community, not because of anything we have done, but because of who we are. Listen as church elder Todd Doehring teaches on 1 Peter 3:8–17, showing in three points how to live in this righteous community: be good, do good, and suffer well.

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July 14, 2024
The Victorious Christ
1 Peter 3:18–22 • Pastor Ethan Brown

Martin Luther once referred to a particular portion of 1 Peter 3 as “a wonderful... text...and a more obscure passage perhaps than any other in the New Testament.” Listen as RUF campus minister Ethan Brown preaches on 1 Peter 3:18–22, helping us to grow in our understanding of this difficult passage and to experience more deeply the good news about Jesus. Pastor Ethan divides this text into three primary sections: The Good Word (18), The Ancient Word (19–20), and The Visible Word (21–22).

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July 21, 2024
Living for the Will of God
1 Peter 4:1–6 • Pastor Josué Pernillo

Feeling like an outsider is a strange and uncomfortable thing. You can feel like an outsider anywhere, be it in church, at... your job, with your family. In the book of 1 Peter, Peter refers to Christians as sojourners. We, as Christians, are ones who are on the outside looking in. We are in the world, but not of it. 1 Peter 4:1–6 begins a culmination of a theme that has been woven throughout the book on what it means to live as Christians and as sojourners, now specifically addressing the reality that Christians will face rejection in this world. Listen as Pastor Josué Pernillo preaches on this passage, explaining that we are called to reject sin, showing how this rejection of sin leads to our rejection in the world, but how it is also tied with our final vindication in God in the age to come.

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July 28, 2024
Living for the Glory of God
1 Peter 4:7–11 • Tim Sandridge

Jesus is coming back soon. Are you ready? What does it mean to be ready? In the book of 1 Peter, the apostle... Peter gives us some answers as to what it looks like to be prepared for Jesus’ return. Writing to suffering Christians, exiled from their homes, Peter reminds these believers that the end of all things is at hand and commands them, in the midst of this, to glorify God in everything they do. Listen as Reformed University Fellowship intern Tim Sandridge preaches on 1 Peter 4:7–11, looking firstly at what Peter means when he says the end of all things is at hand, and then focusing on how Peter commands those to whom he is writing—and us today—to glorify God. Tim shares that glorifying God in all things looks like glorifying God in your godly character, in your earnest love, and in your good stewardship.

Video Audio

August 4, 2024
Trust through Tribulation
1 Peter 4:12–19 • Pastor Josué Pernillo

Have you ever had a hard week? Or a hard month? Or year? Or decade? The thing about hardship is... that when those weeks get harder and time goes on, you can grow weary or despairing, crying out “How long?” The book of 1 Peter is written to sojourners who are suffering. They are facing trials and they will face more trials. They are in Christ, children of God, and partakers of immense privileges, but one thing this association with Jesus has brought them is difficulty. In the midst of their suffering, with many temptations to despair and discouragement, Peter gently reminds them that because they are in Christ they can face suffering. Listen as Pastor Josué Pernillo preaches on 1 Peter 4:12–19, showing that suffering should not surprise us, but instead it helps us to see and show the glory of God, driving us not to shame, but to trust.

Video Audio

August 11, 2024
The Chief Shepherd’s Care for His Suffering Sheep
1 Peter 5:1–5 • Brian Aldridge

Listen as church elder Brian Aldridge preaches on 1 Peter 5:1–5, drawing our attention to four... points: fellow shepherds (verse 1), willing shepherds (verses 2–3), victorious shepherds (verse 4), and responsive sheep (verse 5).

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August 18, 2024
Sojourner’s Journey
1 Peter 5:5–14 • Pastor Josué Pernillo

How do you finish well? What does that even look like? Do we measure it by achieved goals? Or by the legacies... we leave? Scores of people who have achieved their goals remain unsatisfied, and even once-great legacies can change when viewed through the ever-shifting lenses of time and culture. And all people, no matter how successful, reach the same end... How can we finish well if we all die?

As the book of 1 Peter comes to an end, we find in verse 12 the purpose of the letter: Peter sought to help his readers understand the grace of God and to stand firm. To remain steadfast. To finish well. Listen as Pastor Josué Pernillo preaches on 1 Peter 5:5–14, focusing on Peter’s exhortation to his readers to be humble, because of God’s providential care; to resist, because we know God’s truth; and to have hope, because we can trust in God’s promises.

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