
We are a growing congregation, and our aim is to grow our Women’s Ministry as well. We would like to see every woman have a life-giving role in God’s covenant family.

As we grow as a church, there are more exciting opportunities and challenging needs for women. We believe that the Women’s Ministry can be more than a few isolated activities; it can be a vital resource not only to women, but also to the body as a whole. A Word-based Women’s Ministry can contribute to a stronger church, healthier families, and greater outreach when we immerse ourselves in the Word, live out those truths covenantally, and love and serve others.

For more information see our Consitution & Bylaws below:

Constitution & Bylaws
Women’s Bible Study

This Spring, join the women of All Souls for a study of Transformed: Life-taker to Life-giver by Karen Hodge and Susan Hunt. See our Women’s Study page for details.

Women’s Bible Study

Upcoming Events

As the Women’s Bible Study breaks for the holidays All Souls’ Women’s Ministry team would like to encourage the women of All Souls to continue to build relationships with one another. So during the months of December and January we are encouraging women to reach out to a woman in a different stage of life to spend some quality time together. If you have been attending the Women’s Bible Studies perhaps you could use those times to plan your meetings!

Saturday, December 7

Join the ladies of All Souls for breakfast and fellowship, hosted by Linda Berry. Please bring a brunch dish to share if you are able. For more information and location details please contact us or view our calendar event.

Friday, January 31

Gather with the ladies of All Souls for a time of dessert and fellowship at Webber and Thies Offices (100 Trade Center Dr, Suite 402). Desserts provided; just bring yourself! For more information and location details please contact us or view our calendar event.

Check back here for updates and more events as they are added! Please contact us with any questions.

Contact Us
Our Team

Cindy Morrison
Melissa Whitman
Assistant Coordinator
Wendy Kaiser
Compassion Coordinator
Page Thies
Fellowship Coordinator
Emily Lucas
Discipleship Coordinator