New Members
Now Enrolling

A 3-week Inquirers/New Members Class will meet Sundays at 9:00am, Feb 16, 23 and Mar 9. Meetings will take place in the "fireplace room" (off the sanctuary stage).

If you would like to attend, please sign up using the form linked below:
Sign-Up Here


Joining All Souls

We are excited that you are interested in membership at All Souls. Church membership is an important part of the Christian life and should not be taken lightly. Please take a moment to read through the following information to learn a bit about this process. At every point, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Membership in the PCA

Dear Prospective Member:

To be a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (and therefore of All Souls), you do not need to be a committed Presbyterian. You do, of course, need to be a committed Christian and willing to submit to the church’s authority as exercised through the elders. To be a member of the PCA you don’t have to believe in reformed theology. Though you do need to believe the gospel. To be a member of the PCA you don’t need to believe in many of the particulars of our theology. Though, you do need to be willing to not stir up strife by way of arguments, seeking to divide the church. I point these things out (and I could go on), because I wouldn’t want someone to avoid membership because they weren’t in complete agreement with the teachings of the PCA. The PCA does have a clearly defined set of beliefs. At the same time we recognize that not every Christian is going to line up on every point–but every Christian does need spiritual shepherding.

Think carefully about membership. Officers in the church (elders and deacons) are required to agree that our confession contains the system of doctrine taught in the Scriptures. Members are not. So, if you choose to stay here, you are welcome. Please consider the vows for membership in the PCA as well as the rest of the membership covenant of All Souls as you make your decision.

Pastor Luke

Steps to Join All Souls

  • Take the Inquirer’s Class
  • Complete the required forms in preparation for meeting with the elders
  • Meet with the elders
  • Public reception during Sunday morning service

The purpose of the Inquirer’s Class is so that you get to know more about our church and can make a more informed decision as to whether All Souls is the right place for you.

The forms you complete and your meeting with the elders are so the elders can get to know you. It is our responsibility before God to admit into membership only those who know Jesus and are living a life consistent with that (don’t worry, that’s not as scary as it sounds). It is during the elder’s meeting that you are officially admitted into church membership. The public reception is so that other members of All Souls know that you are now a member of our community. Part of membership means mutual encouragement and accountability. This only works if we know one another. The first step in knowing one another is knowing who are members.

Preparing for Meeting with the Elders

Before you meet with the elders, please prepare as follows:

New Members Testimony
Please type a brief (page or so) testimony of your experience of God’s grace in Christ. This can include, but should not be limited to your experience of conversion. The following questions are to help guide your thinking. Please upload your typed testimony below at least a week prior to giving your testimony to the elders verbally.

  • How did you realize your need for Christ?
  • What has Christ done to save you?
  • In what ways do you continue to need Christ?
  • What difference does Christ make in your life?
  • How do you see God working in your life right now?

Membership Covenant
Please look over the Membership Covenant (below) to see if you have any questions for the Elders. If not, please provide your electronic signature below the covenant.

Information Sheet
Lastly, please fill out the information sheet below. Especially take note of the last section which will inform us as to how you will be joining. If any of this is confusing to you, don’t worry. Just ask an Elder and/or come to your meeting with the Elders and we will discuss it then.


Review and complete the following forms to apply for membership with All Souls Presbyterian Church. Please contact us with any questions.

Information Sheet
Membership Covenant
Upload Testimony

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Week 1

Week 2

Week 3